Thursday, September 18, 2008

a little setback

  • Well, for those of you that know about the Wapello house that my husband has been working on for 2 years now has had a setback. My husband has been working so diligently for the the couple of months and the last weeks straight. I haven't seen him more than a kiss to say goodnight and a kiss in the morning for the last couple of weeks. He has been pushing himself so much because the deadline for the closing on the house was Sept 30th. As of last night, the buyer's financial backing fell though. Depressing!!!!! Not only for us, because we thought we had it sold, but also for the buyer who has already sold his home and now has nowwhere to go at the end of this month. In a way it is a blessing in disguise, as the house might not have been ready, but on the other side, now we have no buyer and might be sitting on a house for awhile. It least maybe I'll be able to see my husband for more than a minute a day.

  • A little good news about Greyson-

I took Finnely in last week for her tonsil/adenoid removal and tube placement checkup-for which she turned out GREAT! Thank the Lord! As we were getting ready to leave, I mentioned to my Doc that Greyson failed his right side of his hearing test and was referred to IA City to have a ABR test done. I asked about the test and she was concerned, so she asked the nurse to pull his chart and she did the test again, herself! HE PASSED!! Praise the Lord! He is in the normal hearing range for his age and she thinks we should hold off on doing the ABR test. I'm still debating that though, because we have had 2 of the same test with different people administering them and 2 different results. I think I will keep the appt in IA City-just to make sure. I've already meet my deductible for the year, so why not?!?

  • One of the things that has been bugging me this week is that when it rains, (as it did all last weekend) our home telephone doesn't work. We have no dial tone, but when someone does call, they get a busy signal. It drives me crazy. When I did finally after months of this, get around to calling to report this have someone come fix it, they replied that they could come today. A week later. So yesterday the phone started working again, the ground must have dried up enough to make the connection, only to have Greyson put the cordless phone in the toilet. So now that the phone connection works, the actual phone is soaked and even after it dried out, doesn't work. The only landline phone that we have now is in the garage, but forgive me, I am just to lazy to run out there everytime it rings. It is usually a political call anyway. If you need to reach me, call my cell phone, it actually works, (Greyson put it in the toilet too, but I caught him just as he did it) I need a lock on that door!

  • I am off to tackle the month of laundry that is accumulating on the bathroom floor upstairs. I have about 8 loads, clean, but sitting in baskets, waiting to be folded and put away. The socks though, I don't think will ever get done. They have their own basket, so every morning we have to play match game. There has to be a better solution. I want be able to throw socks away after one wear and get a new one out everyday. Too bad I can't afford that! Socks are my downfall!

  • Well the older kids are @ school and Greyson is napping so I am off the tackle Mt Laundry! Wish me luck!!!!!

1 comment: said...

Aw - that stinks about the house. Good about Greyson though. I would keep the appointment too, especially since you've met your deductible or whatever.

Glad to know someone else doesn't ever fold clothes. Make sure your kid stands next to mine - they can be wrinkly together.